
  • Meade Autostar Etx-60 Manual
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 10:21

    Meade Autostar Review.Meade Autostar Review.by Bob GruszczynskiPrinted in Reflections: October, 2001.Meade makes several versionsof the Autostar System, depending upon the telescope system used in conjunctionwith it. The setup that I will be reviewing is the Autostar model494.Having used, and helped others use, the Meade Autostar 494 System withthe ETX 60/70 series telescope, I thought that it would be useful to reviewthe system for those who might be considering this system.Starting outwith the ETX 70 turned out to be a fairly simple process. I actually usedthe owner’s manual (and found it to be useful)! Autostar operation itselfis mostly straightforward and easy. There are a few “gotcha’s”that canmake life interesting.

    I will touch on those later. I usedthe normal initializationprocedure to start with. When the telescope is assembled and ready forobservation, flip the power switch to “on.” Follow theprocedure in themanual to set up the Autostar. The Initialization procedure is also setup in graphical form in an appendix in the manual. I found this tobe mucheasier to follow. In a matter of minutes, I was ready to observethe skies.The Autostar consists of several hierarchical layers of information. Atthe highest level is the “Select Item:” This allows theuser to selectbetween all of the different modes of operation.

    These items includeObjects(all standard astronomical objects), Setup (all setup functions), Event(astronomical events such as sunrise, moonset, etc.), Utilities, Glossary,and a cool feature called Guided Tour. Each successive layer delvesdeeperinto the function selected at the “Select Item” level.At this point, the“Mode” key is our friend.

    No matter how deep we get intothe hierarchy,each successive press of the “Mode” key returns us to the nexthighestlevel in the structure. The best way to become familiar with the Autostarfunctionality is to play with it. I found it very easy to experiment, sodon’t be afraid. The best part is that if you or the Autostar become tooconfused, it is very simple to power off and start over. I give the Autostarhigh marks for user-friendliness. I figure that if I can use it, anyonecan! Out of the box, I found that the Autostar 494 system was pretty muchready to use.

    In all cases, I followed the graphical initializationprocedureshown in the appendix and was observing within minutes of turning the systemon. Pluses are:. Very easy-to-follow instructions. Simple setup. Veryaccurate goto and tracking. An example, I took a quick trip to GrandHavenone weekend and took the ’scope with me.

    I made a quick setup one nightas the clouds were rolling in fast. I noticed that the Autostar hadmissedeach alignment star by several degrees. Then, as I did my “goto’s”thingswere still off.

    I finally realized that I did not change my location inthe Setup. Being the lazy goat that I am, I went ahead and movedthe ’scopemanually to the object I was looking for, and it tracked beautifully forthe whole amount of time I spent on the object.There are, however, some “gotcha’s” that require a bitof patience. I willlist them here:. The scrolling two-line display can be unreadable in certaincircumstances such as cold temps. After the telescope is aligned, thefour arrow keys are used to move the telescope in alt. Or az.The up/downarrow keys at the bottom of the controller are used to scroll through menuitems at this point. If you try to use the up/down arrow keys inthe middleof the controller for this, it will move the ’scope.

    However, theright/leftarrow keys are still used to move through fields in the menu items. Thisis confusing.

    While “going to” an object, it is always necessary to hitthe “enter” key after selecting the object before hitting the“goto” key.This is frustrating for us impatient goto-er’s. The drive is particularlynoisy.Overall, I have found the ETX 60/70 to be a versatile and inexpensive’scope, and have logged many miles and objects with the ’70.

    I give theAutostar 494 4 out of 5 stars. As usual, Your Mileage May Vary.Clear Skies!!

    Links.Copyright Info Copyright © 2015, the University Lowbrow Astronomers. (The University Lowbrow Astronomers are an amateur astronomy club based in Ann Arbor, Michigan). This page originally appeared in Reflections of the University Lowbrow Astronomers (the club newsletter). This page revised Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:08 PM. This web server is provided by the University of Michigan;the University of Michigan does not permit profit making activityon this web server. Do you have comments about this page or want more information about the club?

    ADVANCED FEATURESTerrestrial ObservingThe ETX-60ATand ETX-70ATmake excellent high-resolution,terrestrial (land) telescopes. Viewing terrestrial objects requires looking along the Earth's surface through heat waves. These heat waves often cause degradation of image quality.

    Meade autostar etx-60 manual

    Low power eyepieces, like the MA 25mm eyepiece, magnify these heat waves less than higher power eyepieces. Therefore, low power eyepieces provide a steadier, higher quality image. If the image is fuzzy or illdefined, reduce to a lower power eyepiece, where the heat waves do not have such an effect on image quality. Observing in early morning hours, before the ground has built up internal heat, produces better viewing conditions than during late afternoon hours.Astronomical ObservingUsed as an astronomical instrument, your telescope has many optical and electromechanical capabilities. It is in astronomical applications where the high level of optical performance is readily visible.

    The range of observable astronomical objects is, with minor qualification, limited only by the observer’s motivation.Sidereal RateAs the Earth rotates beneath the night sky, the stars appear to move from East to West. The speed at which the stars move is called the sidereal rate.If the telescope is aligned, the motor drive is designed to rotate the telescope at the sidereal rate so that it automatically tracks the stars.

    This tracking makes it easy to locate objects and keep them centered in the telescope’s eyepiece.Alignment (Mount)The telescope's mount permits the movement of the telescope in both Altitude (vertically) and Azimuth (horizontally). In order to automatically track a celestial object, the mount must be properly aligned. Easy Two-StarAlt/Az Alignment is described on page 14.Alt/Az AlignmentOne-StarAlt/AZ Alignment or Two-StarAlt/AZ Alignment allows you to choose the alignment stars during the alignment procedure. The stars are chosen from Autostar’s database of alignment stars. The database displays after One-StarAlt/Az or Two-StarAlt/Az Alignment is selected.The term 'Alt/Az.' Is frequently used to refer to the Altitude or horizontal and Azimuth or vertical movements of the ETX-60ATand ETX-70ATtelescopes. Other terms to describe a telescope's movement may be used with telescopes that have mounts different from the ETX-60ATand ETX-70AT.Alt/Az Home PositionTo set your telescope in the 'Alt/Az' home position:.

    Set the telescope on a flat level surface, such as a tabletop, or by mount it on the optional #882 tripod. Loosen the telescope’s vertical lock ( 6, Fig. 1 ). Level the optical tube by lining up 0° on the Dec setting circle ( 17, Fig.

    1) with the pointer ( Fig. 13). Tighten the vertical lock ( 6, Fig. 1) to a 'firm feel' only. Unlock the horizontal lock ( 9, Fig. 1) and turn the telescope horizontally until it points North.

    Learn the position of Polaris, the North Star, which lies due North ( Fig. A small pocket compass may be useful.

    Re-lockthe horizontal lock ( 9, Fig. 1). Press ENTER. Two-StarAlt/Az AlignmentLevel: Beginner/IntermediateTwo-StarAlignment requires some knowledge of the night sky.

    Autostar provides a database of bright stars and two stars from this database are chosen by the observer for alignment.1. Perform steps 1 through 8 as described in the 'EASY TWO-STARALIGNMENT PROCEDURE,' page 14.2. Align to the first star.

    Autostar then displays a database of stars for the observer to choose from. Use the Scroll keys to scroll to a star that you wish to align upon.

    Select a star that you can easily locate in the night sky.3. The telescope slews to the star for alignment. Use the Arrow keys to movethe telescope until the star is visible and centered in the eyepiece.4.

    Repeat procedure for the second alignment star. The telescope is aligned and you are now ready to use Autostar's GO TO capabilities for a night of observing. One-StarAlt/Az AlignmentLevel: IntermediateOne-StarAlignment requires some knowledge of the night sky.

    Autostar provides a database of bright stars. One-StarAlignment is identical to Two-StarAlt/Az: Alignment (see “TWO-STARALT/AZ ALIGNMENT,” above), except only one star from this database is chosen by the observer for alignment.IMPORTANT NOTE: The accuracy of One-StarAlt/Az Alignment, unlike the TwoStar Alt/Az Alignment procedure, depends on how well the observer levels the telescope and how close to North the telescope is pointed when setting the Home Position ( Fig. Because Two-StarAlignment uses two stars to align upon, it is more precise than One-StarAlignment.Slew Speeds:Autostar has nine slew speeds that are directly proportional to the sidereal rate and have been calculated to accomplish specific functions. Pressing the Speed/? Key briefly changes the slew speed, which is shown for about two seconds on Autostar’s display.NOTE: Pressing the Speed/? Key very briefly changes the slew speed. Holding down the Speed/?

    Key longer (one to two seconds) accesses the Help function.The nine available speeds are:Speed 1=5° =1200 x sidereal (300 arc-min/secor 5°/sec)Speed 2=2° =480 x sidereal (120 arc-min/secor 2°/sec)Speed 3=1° =240 x sidereal (60 arc-min/secor 1°/sec)Speed 4=0.5° =120 x sidereal (30 arc-min/secor 0.5°/sec)Speed 5=64x=64 x sidereal (16 arc-min/secor 0.27°/sec)Speed 6=32x=32 x sidereal (8 arc-min/secor 0.13°/sec)Speed 7=16x=16 x sidereal (4 arc-min/secor 0.067°/sec)Speed 8=8x=8 x sidereal (2 arc-min/secor 0.033°/sec)Speed 9=2x=2 x sidereal (0.5 arc-min/secor 0.008°/sec). Observing a SatelliteNOTE: Satellite observing is an exciting challenge. Most satellites are in low orbit, traveling at approximately 17,500 mph.

    They move quickly across the sky and are visible only for a few minutes, requiring Autostar to slew the telescope rapidly. Best viewing is near Sunrise or Sunset when the sky is still dark. Viewing in the middle of the night can be problematic because the satellite may pass overhead, but not be visible as it is in the Earth's shadow.1. Choose a satellite from the Select menu, then press ENTER. Autostar scans its database to find if that satellite is expected to pass overhead within the next 6 hours.2. If a satellite is expected, use the Scroll keys to access a list of information about the pass, including acquisition time, location, etc.3.

    At the end of the list is “Alarm.” Press ENTER and Autostar automatically sets the alarm to sound several minutes before the scheduled appearance. You may return to regular observations until the alarm goes off.4. When the alarm goes off, return to the Satellite menu and press a Scroll key until the desired satellite is on the top line of the display.5.

    Autostar slews the telescope to where the satellite should appear. The motor drive stops and a countdown starts.NOTE: If the scheduled appearance position of the satellite is obstructed (i.e., by a building, tree, or hill), press ENTER and Autostar starts to move the telescope along the expected satellite track. When the track clears the obstruction, press ENTER again to pause the telescope, then continue with this procedure.6.

    With about 20 seconds left on the countdown timer, start watching through the eyepiece for the satellite to enter the field of view.7. When the satellite enters the field of view, press ENTER. The telescope starts to track with the satellite.8. Use the Arrow keys to center the object in the eyepiece to view the object. Satellite orbits change and new satellites (including the Space Shuttle) are launched. Visit the Meade website ( www.meade.com) approximately once a month to get updated information and instructions on how to download this data to Autostar.

    If orbital parameters are more than one month old, the satellite pass may not happen at the time predicted by Autostar. To download new satellite data into Autostar memory requires the optional Astrofinder Software and Cable Connector Kit. See “OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,” page 25.Photography with the ETXPhotography through the ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATrequires the addition of the optional #64ST T–Adapter.See “OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,” page 25. With the #64ST T-Adapterattached to the telescope ( Fig. 17), through-the-telescopephotography is possible with any 35mm camera body with a removable lens. In this way, the telescope effectively becomes the lens of the camera.For through-the-telescopephotography, turn the flip-mirrorcontrol ( 15, Fig. 1) to the “down” position, allowing light to pass straight through the telescope and out the photo port ( 16, Fig.

    With the flip-mirrorcontrol in the “down” position and the photo port’s dust cover removed, the front lens of the telescope can be seen when looking through the photo port. The #64ST T- Adapter ( 1, Fig. 17) threads on to the photo port, followed by a T-Mount( 2, Fig. 17) for the particular brand of 35mm camera being used, followed by the camera body ( 3, Fig. 17 ).To frame an object in the viewfinder of the 35mm camera body, use a small jeweler’s screwdriver to slightly loosen three adjustment screws ( 4, Fig. 17) around the outer knurled ring of the T-Mount.Rotate the camera body to achieve proper framing of the object; then re-tightenthe adjustment screws. The #64ST T–Adapter permits close-couplingofa camera body to the telescope at a focal length1this format vignetting occurs: the photographicimage appears on film with a slight darkening(vignetting) at the corners of the 35mm frame4(Fig.

    16 ).When removing the T-Adapterand T-Mountfromthe photo port, the T-Adaptermay becometorqued to either the photo port or the T-Mount.If this occurs, the T-Adapterhas a slot on bothsides which may be used to loosen the T-Adapter. Place a metal straight edge, or similarFig. 17: ETXT-Adapter.instrument across the two slots and turn coun-terclockwise to remove the T-Adapter.Photography through asuch as the ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATrequires special technique for good results, and the photographer should probably expect to waste a roll or two of film in acquiring this technique. Long-lensphotography has its own rewards, however, rewards that short-focuslenses cannot duplicate.A few tips on photography with the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT:1. Use the optional #882 Standard Field Tripod or the #883 Deluxe Field Tripod as a platform for the telescope. At an effective focal length of 350mm, even small external vibrations can easily ruin an otherwise good photo.CAUTION: With the #64ST T-Adapterand a camera body mounted to the ETX60AT or ETX-70ATphoto port, the telescope can only be rotated vertically about 45°.

    Moving past this point may damage the telescope and camera.2. Use a cable-operatedshutter release. Touching the camera body to initiate shutter operation almost certainly introduces undesirable vibrations.3. Focus the image with extreme care. While observing the subject through the camera’s reflex viewfinder, turn the telescope’s focus knob ( 8, Fig. 1) to achieve the sharpest possible focus.

    Note that some 35mm cameras may have an optional focusing screen (available from the manufacturer) for use with a long telephoto lens. This screen provides a brighter and clearer image to focus, and is highly recommended.4. Correct shutter speeds vary widely, depending on lighting conditions and film used. Trial- and-erroris the best way to determine proper shutter speed in any given application.NOTE: The camera used with your telescope may have an exposure meter that is still active when the standard lens is removed and the body is connected to the telescope with the T–Mount.If used for terrestrial photography, the camera meter should be acceptable. If used for astrophotography, the meter probably will not provide good results since camera meters are not made to compensate for a dark sky.5. Terrestrial photography through the ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATis sensitive to heat waves rising from the Earth’s surface. Long distance photography is best accomplished in the early morning hours before the earth has had time to build up heat.6.

    Photography of the Moon and planets through the ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATcan be especially gratifying, but points 1 through 4 should be particularly noted in this case. Lunar or planetary photography requires that the telescope be Polar aligned. See “APPENDIX A,” page 31.NOTE: Long exposure photography of deep-skyobjects is not practical with the ETX-60ATand ETX-70AT,since this type of photography requires special electronic and optical guiding devices not available for these telescopes. #3200 Lunar & Planetary Color Filter Set: Meade optical glass color filters increase image contrast and resolution of the Moon and planets. The #3200 Set includes light yellow, very light red, very light blue, and neutral density filters. Each filter threads into the barrels of all Meade MA, PL, and WA eyepieces and is packed in a separate plastic case for secure storage.#773 Hard Carry Case: For secure portability in the field, the #773 Hard Carry Case ( Fig. 20) is fully lined with fitted foam inserts and accepts the complete ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATAstro Telescope, plus optional accessories.

    In order for the telescope to fit in its optional Hard Carry Case, the telescope’s objective lens must be fully retracted.#64ST T-Adapter: The #64ST T-Adapter( Fig. 21) is the basic means of photography through the ETX-60ATor the ETX-70AT.Attach the #64ST T-Adapterto the rear cell of the telescope, followed by a T-Mountappropriate to your 35mm camera body, and the ETX-60ATor ETX70AT is a supertelephoto lens of 350mm focal length. See “PHOTOGRAPHY WITH THE ETX,” page 23.#827 8 x 25mm Right-AngleViewfinder and Bracket: For easy sighting of terrestrial or astronomical objects prior to their observation in the main telescope, the #827 8 x 25mm RightAngle Viewfinder (Fig. 22 ) displays a wide 7.5° field of view. Includes a crosshair eyepiece and precise helicoid focusing; the included viewfinder bracket attaches to the main telescope in seconds.#933 45° Erecting Prism: The ETX-60ATor ETX-70ATincludes an internal optically-flatmirror to reflect light to the telescope’s 90° astronomical observing position.

    In this position, the telescope’s image is upright, but reversed left for right. For terrestrial observing with the ETX60AT or ETX-70AT,the #933 45° Erecting Prism ( Fig.

    23) results in a fully correctly oriented image and a convenient 45° observing angle. The #933 Prism threads on to the telescope’s photo port ( 16, Fig.

    An eyepiece of any focal length (magnifying power) may be inserted into the #933 Prism. The #933 includes an internal relay lens which increases each eyepiece power by 2.4x. Note that the flip-mirrorcontrol ( 15, Fig. 1) must be in the “down” position ( Fig. 2b) for use with the #933 Prism.IMPORTANT NOTE: In the most discriminating applications, such as in observing delicate bird feather structure at long distance, the telescope’s internal, opticallyflat mirror yields a higher-resolutionimage than is possible with any prism, including the #933.

    In these special cases, users are advised to observe with the eyepiece in the standard 90° eyepiece-holder( 15, Fig. 1), with the flip-mirrorcontrol in the “up” position ( Fig. This admonition applies only to situations requiring extraordinarily high optical resolution where the observer’s eye is well-trainedto observe very fine detail. In typical terrestrial applications, no image differences between the two eyepiece locations can generally be noted.#670 Dew Shield: In moist climates, water in the atmosphere may condense on the telescope’s lens.

    Dew formation may be reduced significantly by the addition of a #670 Dew Shield ( Fig. 24), which threads into the front cell of the telescope. Tripods: Manufactured of strong, lightweight extruded aluminum, the #882 Standard Field Tripod ( Fig.

    25a) and the #883 Deluxe Field Tripod ( Fig. 25b) allow standing or seated observations. The heights of both tripods are continuously adjustable from 34” to 54”.

    Micrometric controls in both azimuth and ele- vation-angleof the #883 Deluxe Field Tripod permit precise Polar Alignment of the telescope’s fork mount for advanced astronomical applications. When Alt/Az Alignment of the telescope is desirable, the tripod head of the #883 tilts and locks at 90°.

    Both tripods include all the rigidity and stability required for highpower observing through the telescope. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICINGGeneral MaintenanceThe ETX-60ATand ETX-70ATtelescopes are precision optical instruments designed to yield a lifetime of rewarding applications. Given the care and respect due any precision instrument, your telescope will rarely require factory servicing or maintenance. Maintenance guidelines include:1. Avoid cleaning the telescope’s optics.

    A little dust on the front surface of the telescope’s correcting lens causes virtually no degradation of image quality and should not be considered reason to clean the lens.2. When absolutely necessary, dust on the front lens should be removed with gentle strokes of a camel hair brush or blown off with an ear syringe (available at any pharmacy ). Do not use a commercial photographic lens cleaner.3. Organic materials ( e.g., fingerprints) on the front lens may be removed with a solution of 3 parts distilled water to 1 part isopropyl alcohol. A single drop of biodegradable dishwashing soap may be added per pint of solution. Use soft, white facial tissues and make short, gentle strokes. Change tissues often.CAUTION: Do not use scented, colored, or lotioned tissues as damage could result to the optics.4.

    If your telescope is used outdoors on a humid night, telescope surfaces may accumulate water condensation. While such condensation does not normally cause any damage to the telescope, it is recommended that the entire telescope be wiped down with a dry cloth before being packed away. Do not, however, wipe any of the optical surfaces. Rather, simply allow the telescope to sit for some time in warm indoor air, so that the wet optical surfaces can dry unattended. In addition, the dust cap should not be placed back on to the optical tube until the telescope is thoroughly dry.5 If your telescope is not to be used for an extended period, perhaps for one month or more, it is advisable to remove the six AA-sizebatteries from inside the drive base. Batteries left installed for prolonged periods may leak, causing damage to the telescope’s electronic circuitry. See “HOW TO ASSEMBLE YOUR TELESCOPE,” page 10.6.

    Do not leave your telescope outdoors on a warm day or inside a sealed car for an extended period of time. Excessive ambient temperatures can damage the telescope’s internal lubrication and electronic circuitry.7. A (English-format)hex wrench is provided with the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT.Use the wrench to tighten the set-screwsof any knobs which may loosen, such as the horizontal lock knob or focus knob.Storage and TransportWhen not in use, store the telescope in a cool, dry place. Do not expose the instrument to excessive heat or moisture.

    It is best to store the telescope in its original box with the vertical and horizontal locks ( 6 and 9, Fig. 1) in the unlocked positions. If shipping the telescope, use the original box and packing material to protect the telescope during shipment.When transporting the telescope, take care not to bump or drop the instrument; this type of abuse can damage the optical tube and/or the objective lens. It is highly recommended to use the optional Hard Case to transport the telescope.

    See “OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,” page 25.Inspecting the OpticsA Note About the “Flashlight Test': If a flashlight or other high-intensitylight source is pointed down the main telescope tube, the view (depending upon the observer’s line of sight and the angle of the light) may reveal what appears to be scratches, dark or bright spots, or uneven coatings, giving the appearance of poor quality optics. These effects are only seen when a high intensity light is transmitted through the lens or reflected off the mirror, and can be seen on any high quality optical system, including giant research telescopes.The optical quality of a telescope cannot be judged by the “flashlight test'; the true test of optical quality can only be conducted through careful star testing.

    Meade Autostar Etx-60 Manual

    Meade Autostar Etx-60 Manual 10

    The focus knob may need to be reset. Verify that the dust cover is in place at the front of the objective lens cell ( 5, Fig.

    Turn the optical tube so that is pointing straight up through the fork arms and lock the vertical lock. Carefully, turn the telescope upside down so that the front of the objective lens cell is resting on a clean, flat surface. Use the provided hex wrench to slightly loosen the focus knob set screw. Make sure the focus knob is flush against the rear cell of the telescope and retighten the focus knob set screw. Telescope moves off a terrestrial object while observing:. Verify that the vertical and horizontal locks have been tightened to a 'firm feel' ( 6 and 9 Fig.

    1 ).Telescope pauses when changing slew direction:. This pause is normal.A terrestrial object appears reversed left-for-right:.

    An eyepiece in the standard 90° observing position ( 3, Fig. 1) yields this image orientation. To view a correctly oriented image, the optional #933 Erecting Prism is required. See “OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,” page 25.Meade Customer ServiceIf you have a question concerning your ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT,contact the Meade Instruments Customer Service Department at:Telephone: (949) 451-1450Fax: (949) 451-1460Customer Service hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. In the unlikely event that the ETX requires factory servicing or repairs, write or call the Meade Customer Service Department first, before returning the telescope to the factory, giving full particulars as to the nature of the problem, as well as your name, address, and daytime telephone number.

    The great majority of servicing issues can be resolved by telephone, avoiding return of the telescope to the factory.ETX-60AT/ETX-70ATSpecificationsOptical design.Achromatic RefractorClear apertureETX-60AT.60mm (2.36”)ETX-70AT.70mm (2.76”)Focal length.350mmFocal ratio (photographic speed)ETX-60AT.f/5.8ETX-70AT.f/5Near focus (approx.)ETX-60AT.15 ft. (4.6m)ETX-70AT.17 ft. (5.2m)Resolving powerETX-60AT.1.9 arc secsETX-70AT.1.6 arc secsMulti-coatingson objective lens.StandardLimiting visual stellar magnitude (approx.)ETX-60AT.11.2ETX-70AT.11.5Image scaleETX-60AT.4.1°/inchETX-70AT.4.1°/inchMaximum practical visual powerETX-60AT.200XETX-70AT.240XOptical tube dimensions(dia. X length).9.3cm x 30.4-37.1cm(3.6” x 12-14.6”)EyepiecesModified Achromatic.MA 25mm (1.25” O.D.)Modified Achromatic.MA 9mm (1.25” O.D.)Telescope mounting.Fork type; double tineSetting circle diameters.Dec: 3.5”; RA: 7”Input voltage.9-voltsDCMotor Drive System.DC servo motors with encoders, both axes.

    Polar AlignmentThe great majority of ETX-60ATand ETX-70ATowners will find it unnecessary ever to Polar align the telescope. With these ETX telescope models the standard-equipmentAutostar controller allows the telescope to be used in the altazimuth (Alt/Az) orientation for all observing purpose. This section is included only for educational purposes, where the observer might wish to operate the analog setting circles (13 and 17, Fig.1) in place of the digital setting circles built into the Autostar hand controller. Absent a desire to use the analog circles or simply to be informed about the use of the equatorial (Polar-aligned)mount, reading of this appendix may be omitted.

    In Polar Alignment, the telescope is oriented so that the horizontal and vertical axes of the telescope are lined up with the celestial coordinate system. Polar Alignment requires the telescope to be mounted to the optional #883 Deluxe Field Tripod ( Fig. 26).In order to Polar align your telescope, it is essential to have an understanding of how and where to locate celestial objects as they move across the sky. This section provides a basic introduction to the terminology of Polar-alignedastronomy, and includes instructions for finding the celestial pole and for finding objects in the night sky using Declination and Right Ascension.Celestial CoordinatesCelestial objects are mapped according to a coordinate system on the Celestial Sphere ( Fig. 26), an imaginary sphere surrounding Earth on which all stars appear to be placed. This celestial object mapping system is analogous to the Earth-basedcoordinate system of latitude and longitude.The poles of the celestial coordinate system are defined as those two points where the Earth’s rotational axis, if extended to infinity, North and South, intersect the celestial sphere.

    Thus, the North Celestial Pole ( 1, Fig. 27) is that point in the sky where an extension of the Earth’s axis through the North Pole intersects the celestial sphere. This point in the sky is located near the North Star, Polaris.In mapping the surface of the Earth, lines of longitude are drawn between the North and South Poles. Similarly, lines of latitude are drawn in an East-Westdirection, parallel to the Earth’s Equator. The Celestial Equator ( 2, Fig. 27) is a projection of the Earth’s Equator onto the celestial sphere.Just as on the surface of the Earth, in mapping the celestial sphere, imaginary lines have been drawn to form a coordinate grid. Thus, object positions on the Earth’s surface are specified by their latitude and longitude.

    Meade Autostar Etx-60 Manual Free

    For example, you could locate Los Angeles, California, by its latitude (+34°) and longitude (118° West); similarly, you could locate the constellation Ursa Major (which includes the Big Dipper) by its general position on the celestial sphere:R.A.: 11hr; Dec: +50°. Right Ascension: The celestial analog to Earth longitude is called “Right Ascension,” or “R.A.,” and is measured in time on the 24 hour “clock” and shown in hours or “hr,' minutes or “min,' and seconds or “sec,' from an arbitrarily defined “zero” line of Right Ascension passing through the constellation Pegasus. Right Ascension coordinates range from 0hr 0min 0sec to 23hr 59min 59sec. Thus there are 24 primary lines of R.A., located at 15 degree intervals along the celestial equator. Objects located further and further East of the prime Right Ascension grid line, 0hr 0min 0sec, carry increasing R.A. Coordinates. Declination: The celestial analog to Earth latitude is called Declination, or “Dec,” and is measured in degrees, arc-minutesand arc-seconds,e.g., 15° 27' 33'.

    Declination shown as North of the celestial equator is indicated with a “+” sign in front of the measurement. E.g., the Declination of the North Celestial Pole is +90°, with Declination South of the celestial equator indicated with a “–sign,”e.g., the Declination of the South Celestial Pole is –90°.Anypoint on the celestial equator itself which, for example, passes through the constellations Orion, Virgo, and Aquarius, is specified as having a Declination of zero, shown as 0°0' 0'.All celestial objects are specified in position by their celestial coordinates of RightAscension and Declination.NOTE: Since the second object (i.e., the object to be located) is in constant motion, once the R.A. Circle is calibrated (step 2 above), the telescope should be moved rapidly to read the coordinates of the second object. Otherwise the second object will no longer be in the position indicated by the R.A.

    Circle.Using setting circles requires a developed technique. When using the circles for the first time, try hopping from one bright star (the calibration star) to another bright star of known coordinates. Practice moving the telescope from one easy-to-findobject to another. In this way, the precision required for accurate object location becomes evident.NOTE: You may also enter an object'sLittle DipperR.A. And Dec coordinates using the 'User:PolarisObjects' option of Autostar's Object menu.Autostar then automatically slews the tel-escope to the entered coordinates.Big DipperCassiopeiaLocating the Celestial PoleFig.

    28: Locating Polaris.To get basic bearings at an observing location, take noteof where the Sun rises (East) and sets (West) each day. After the site is dark, face North by pointing your left shoulder toward where the Sun set. To precisely point at the pole, find the North Star (Polaris) by using the Big Dipper as a guide ( Fig. 28 ).For precise tracking of astronomical objects, your telescope should be Polar aligned.To Polar Align using the #883 Deluxe Field Tripod, follow the instructions provided with the tripod.IMPORTANT NOTE: For almost all astronomical observing requirements, approximate settings of the telescope’s latitude and Polar axis are acceptable. Do not allow undue attention to precise Polar Alignment of the telescope to interfere with your basic enjoyment of the instrument. In those unusual cases where more precise.NOTE: When the telescope is Polar aligned, the Vertical Lock ( 6, Fig.

    1) serves as a Declination Lock and the Horizontal Lock serves as a Right Ascension, or R.A. Lock ( 9, Fig. 1).Autostar Polar AlignmentAutostar provides three different methods for Polar Alignment: Easy, One-Starand Two-Star.In each method, the telescope is pointed at Polaris, which Autostar uses the star as a reference.Easy Polar AlignmentLevel: Intermediate to AdvancedPolaris and two alignment stars are chosen by Autostar based on the date, time, and location entered. The rest of the procedure is identical to the Easy Two-StarAlt/Az: Alignment (Fig. 30).One-StarPolar AlignmentLevel: AdvancedPolar Two-StarAlignment requires some knowledge of the night sky. Autostar provides a database of bright stars and one star from this database is chosen by the observer for alignment. Polaris is chosen byAutostar.

    The rest of the alignment procedure is identical to the Easy Two-StarAlt/Az:Alignment (Fig. See “EASY TWO-STARALIGNMENT,” page 14.Two-StarPolar AlignmentLevel: AdvancedPolar Two-StarAlignment requires some knowledge of the night sky. Autostar provides a database of bright stars and two stars from this database are chosen by the observer for alignment. Polaris is chosen by Autostar.

    The rest of the alignment procedure is identical to the Easy Two-StarAlt/Az: Alignment (Fig. See “EASY TWO-STARALIGNMENT,” page 14.

    APPENDIX B: USING AUTOSTAR TO ENTER R.A. AND DEC COORDINATESAlthough Autostar's database contains more than 1400 objects (stars, nebulae, planets, etc.) that you can observe, you may eventually want to view objects that are not part of the database.

    Autostar provides a feature that allows you to enter an object's R.A and Dec coordinates in the 'User: Objects' option of Autostar's Object menu and then automatically slews the telescope to the user-enteredcoordinates.In order to use this menu option, you first need to look up the R.A and Dec coordinates of the object or objects you wish to observe. Check out your local library, computer store or bookstore for astronomy books, CD Roms, or magazines (such as Sky & Telescope or Astronomy), to find coordinates of celestial objects. A list of the coordinates of 14 common stars are printed at the end of this manual; see 'STAR LOCATOR,' page 39.The objects/coordinates you enter become part of your own permanent database, called 'User Objects.' You may use this menu to view these object as often as you like, but the objects' coordinates just need to be entered once.To enter coordinates of an object into the 'User: Objects' option of the Object menu:1. Make sure Autostar has been initialized (see 'INITIALIZING AUTOSTAR,' page 12) and the telescope has been aligned and set to the Alt/Az home alignment position (see 'EASY TWO-STARALIGNMENT,' page 14).2. After the telescope is aligned, 'Select Item: Object' displays. (If necessary, use the Scroll keys to scroll through the menus, as previously described, to find this option.) Press ENTER.3.

    'Object: Solar System' displays. Keep pressing the Scroll Up key until 'Object: User Object' displays and press ENTER.4. 'User Object: Select' displays. Press the Scroll Down key once.

    'User Object: Add' displays. Press ENTER.5. 'Name' displays on the top line and a blinking cursor on the second line. Use the Arrow keys (as previously described) to enter the name of the object you wish to add to the database. When you are finished, press ENTER.6.

    'Right Asc.: +00.00.0' displays. Use the Arrow keys to enter the digits for the Right Ascension coordinate of your object. If necessary, use the Scroll Keys to change '+' to '.'

    When you are finished, press ENTER.7. 'Declination: +00°.00' displays. Use the Arrow keys to enter the digits for the Declination coordinate of your object. If necessary, use the Scroll Keys to change '+' to '.'

    When you are finished, press ENTER.8. Autostar then prompts you to enter the Size of the object. This step is optional. Use the Arrow keys to enter this information, if so desired, and press ENTER to go to the next display.

    If you do not wish to enter this information, simply press ENTER.9. Autostar then prompts you to enter the Magnitude of the object. This step is also optional. Use the Arrow keys to enter this information, if so desired, and press ENTER to go to the next display. 'User Object: Add' displays again.To GO TO a user-enteredobject:1.

    With 'User Object: Add' displayed, press the Scroll Up key once. 'User Object: Select' displays. Press ENTER.2. Use the Scroll keys (if necessary) to scroll to the desired object. Press ENTER.3.

    The name of the object and the Right Ascension and Declination coordinates display.4. Press GO TO and the telescope slews to the object.

    APPENDIX C: HELPFUL CHARTSLatitude Chart for Major Cities of the WorldTo aid in the Polar Alignment procedure (see page 30), latitudes of major cities around the world are listed below. To determine the latitude of an observing site not listed on the chart, locate the city closest to your site.

    Then follow the procedure below:Northern Hemisphere observers (N): If the site is over 70 miles (110 km) North of the listed city, add one degree for every 70 miles. If the site is over 70 miles South of the listed city, subtract one degree per 70 miles.Southern Hemisphere observers (S): If the site is over 70 miles North of the listed city, subtract one degree for every 70 miles. If the site is over 70 miles South of the listed city, add one degree per 70 miles. 1Verify that AUTOSTARPressuntil it12INITIALIZATION isis centeredcomplete.Scope slews left.2Press MODE untilBring target backto center usingSelect Item is displayed.ENTERthe Right Arrow key.Select Item3ObjectPressuntil itDrive option.18is centeredTrain DriveScope slews down.9Bring target backAz. Trainto center usingAzimuthENTERENTERthe Up Arrow key.(horizontal)training.Pressuntil it19Drive Setupis centered10For this op.Scope slews up.ENTERReminder toBring target backuse terrestrialENTERto center usingtarget.the Down Arrow key.Center reference11Train Drive20object.Az. TrainCenter targetMultiple presses.ENTERusing ArrowMODEkeys.Select Item21ObjectFigure 30: Training the Drive Procedure.

    TIPS FOR BEGINNERSFurther Study.This manual gives only the briefest introduction to astronomy. If you are interested in pursuing further studies in astronomy, a few topics are suggested below that are worth reading up on. Try looking up some of these topics in Autostar’s glossary.Also included below is a small sampling of books, magazines, and organizations that you might find helpful.Topics1.

    How is a star born? How does a solar system form?2. How is the distance to a star measured? What is a light year?3. What is red shift and blue shift?4. How are the craters on our Moon formed?

    How old is the Moon and Earth? How old is the Sun?5. What is a black hole? A neutron star?6. What are stars made of? Why are stars different colors? What is a white dwarf?

    Meade etx 60 manual

    A red giant?7. What is a nova? A supernova?8.

    What are comets? Meteor showers? Where do they come from?9.

    What is a planetary nebula? A globular cluster?10. What is the Big Bang? Is the universe expanding or contracting, or does it always remain the same?Books1. The Guide to Amateur Astronomy by JackNewton and Philip Teece2. The Sky: A User’s Guide by David Levy3. Turn Left at Orion by Guy Consolmagno & Dan Davis4.

    Astrophotography for the Amateur by Michael CovingtonMagazines1. Sky & TelescopeBox 9111, Belmont, MA 021782.

    AstronomyBox 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187Organizations:1. Astronomical League Executive Secretary5675 Real del Norte, Las Cruces, NM 880122. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific390 Ashton Ave, San Francisco, CA 941123. The Planetary Society65 North Catalina Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106. APPENDIX E: INITIALIZATION EXAMPLEInitialization is a procedure that ensures that Autostar operates correctly.

    When you first use Autostar, it doesn't yet know where the observation location site is or the time or date of the observation session.During the procedure, information, such as the current time and date, observation location, and telescope model, is entered into Autostar. Autostar uses this information to precisely calculate the location of celestial objects (such as stars and planets) and how to move your telescope correctly for various operations.The diagram below depicts an example of the Autostar initialization procedure. BASIC ASTRONOMYIn the early 17th century, Italian Scientist Galileo, using a crude telescope considerably smaller than the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT,turned it to look towards the sky instead of distant trees and mountains.

    What he saw, and what he realized about what he saw, forever changed the way mankind thought of the universe. Imagine what it must have been like being the first human to see moons revolve around the planet Jupiter or to see the changing phases of Venus!Because of his observations, Galileo correctly realized Earth's movement and position around the Sun, and in doing so, gave birth to modern astronomy. Yet Galileo's telescope was so crude, he could not clearly make out the rings of Saturn.Galileo's discoveries laid the foundation for understanding the motion and nature of the planets, stars, and galaxies. Building on his foundation, Henrietta Leavitt determined how to measure the distance to stars; Edwin Hubble proposed a glimpse into the origin of the universe; Albert Einstein unraveled the relationship of time and light. Almost daily, using sophisticated successors to Galileo's crude telescope, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, more and more mysteries of the universe are being solved and understood. We are living in a golden age of astronomy.Unlike other sciences, astronomy welcomes contributions from amateurs. Much of the knowledge we have on subjects such as comets, meteor showers, variable stars, the Moon, and our solar system comes from observations made by amateur astronomers.

    So as you look through your Meade ETX telescope, keep in mind Galileo. To him, a telescope was not a mere machine of glass and metal, but something far more - a window through which the beating heart of the universe might be glimpsed, a fuse to set fire to mind and imagination.Autostar GlossaryBe sure to make use of Autostar’s Glossary feature.

    The Glossary menu provides an alphabetical listing of definitions and descriptions of common astronomical terms. Access directly through the Glossary menu or through hypertext words embedded in Autostar. See “GLOSSARY MENU,' page 18, for more information.Objects in SpaceListed below are some of the many astronomical objects that can be seen with the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT:The MoonThe Moon is, on average, a distance of 239,000 miles (380,000km) from Earth and is best observed during its crescent or half phase when Sunlight strikes the Moon’s surface at an angle.

    It casts shadows and adds a sense of depth to the view ( Fig. No shadows are seen during a full Moon, causing the overly bright Moon to appear flat and rather uninteresting through the telescope. Be sure to use a neutral Moon filter when observing the Moon. Not only does it protect your eyes from the bright glare of the Moon, but it also helps enhance contrast, providing a more dramatic image.Using the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT,brilliant detail can be observed on the Moon, including hundreds of lunar craters and maria, described below.Craters are round meteor impact sites covering most of the Moon’s surface. With no atmosphere on the Moon, no weather conditions exist, so the only erosive force is meteor strikes.

    Under these conditions, lunar craters can last for millions of years.Maria (plural for mare) are smooth, dark areas scattered across the lunar surface. These dark areas are large ancient impact basins that were filled with lava from the interior of the Moon by the depth and force of a meteor or comet impact.Twelve Apollo astronauts left their bootprints on the Moon in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

    However, no telescope on Earth is able to see these footprints or any other artifacts. In fact, the smallest lunar features that may be seen with the largest telescope on Earth are about one-halfmile across. PlanetsPlanets change positions in the sky as they orbit around the Sun. To locate the planets on a given day or month, consult a monthly astronomy magazine, such as Sky and Telescope or Astronomy. Listed below are the best planets for viewing through the ETX-60ATand ETX70AT.Venus is about nine-tenthsthe diameter of Earth.

    As Venus orbits the Sun, observers can see it go through phases (crescent, half, and full) much like those of the Moon. The disk of Venus appears white as Sunlight is reflected off the thick cloud cover that completely obscures any surface detail.Mars is about half the diameter of Earth, and appears through the telescope as a tiny reddishorange disk.

    It may be possible to see a hint of white at one of the planet’s Polar ice caps. Approximately every two years, when Mars is closest to Earth in its orbit, additional detail and coloring on the planet's surface may be visible.Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is 11 times the diameter of Earth. The planet appears as a disk with dark lines stretching across the surface. These lines are cloud bands in the atmosphere. Four of Jupiter’s 16 moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) can be seen as “star-like”points of light when using even the lowest magnification ( Fig.

    These moons orbit Jupiter so that the number of moons visible on any given night changes as they circle around the giant planet.Saturn is nine times the diameter of Earth and appears as a small, round disk with rings extending out from either side ( Fig. In 1610, Galileo, the first person to observe Saturn through a telescope, did not understand that what he was seeing were rings. Instead, he believed that Saturn had “ears.” Saturn’s rings are composed of billions of ice particles ranging in size from a speck of dust to the size of a house. The major division in Saturn's rings, called the Cassini Division, is occasionally visible through the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT.Titan, the largest of Saturn’s 18 moons can also be seen as a bright, star-likeobject near the planet.Deep-SkyObjectsStar charts can be used to locate constellations, individual stars and deep-skyobjects. Examples of various deep-skyobjects are given below:Stars are large gaseous objects that are self-illuminatedby nuclear fusion in their core. Because of their vast distances from our solar system, all stars appear as pinpoints of light, irrespective of the size of the telescope used.Nebulae are vast interstellar clouds of gas and dust where stars are formed. Most impressive of these is the Great Nebula in Orion (M42), a diffuse nebula that appears as a faint wispy gray cloud.

    M42 is 1600 light years from Earth.Open Clusters are loose groupings of young stars, all recently formed from the same diffuse nebula. The Pleiades is an open cluster 410 light years away ( Fig. Through the ETX-60ATor ETX-70AT,numerous stars are visible.Constellations are large, imaginary patterns of stars believed by ancient civilizations to be the celestial equivalent of objects, animals, people, or gods. These patterns are too large to be seen through a telescope. To learn the constellations, start with an easy grouping of stars, such as the Big Dipper in Ursa Major. Then, use a star chart to explore across the sky.Galaxies are large assemblies of stars, nebulae, and star clusters that are bound by gravity.

    The most common shape is spiral (such as our own Milky Way), but galaxies can also be elliptical, or even irregular blobs. The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the closest spiral-typegalaxy to our own. This galaxy appears fuzzy and cigar-shaped.It is 2.2 million light years away in the constellation Andromeda, located between the large “W” of Cassiopeia and the great square of Pegasus.

    A Roadmap to the StarsThe night sky is filled with wonder and intrigue. You too, can enjoy exploring the universe simply by following a few pointers on a roadmap to the stars.First, find the Big Dipper which is part of the constellation Ursa Major. The Big Dipper is usually easy to locate year round in North America.Extending directly out from the far side of the Big Dipper’s cup is the constellation Orion. One of the most exquisite areas of the winter sky, Orion is distinguished by Orion’s belt, which is marked by three stars in a row. The Orion Nebula is located South of the belt and is one of the most observed deep-skyobjects by amateur astronomers.Extending from the “pointer stars” of the Big Dipper’s cup is Polaris, the North Star. Extending from Polaris is the Great Square shared by the constellations Pegasus and Andromeda. The Summer Triangle is a notable region in the sky to the left of the handle of the Big Dipper.

    The triangle is made up of three very bright stars: Vega, Deneb, and Altair.By drawing an imaginary line outward from the handle of the Big Dipper, you reach the southern constellation “Scorpius.” Scorpius curves to the left like the tail of a scorpion in the sky, or like letter “J.”Amateur astronomers commonly use the phrase “Arc to Arcturus and spike to Spica” to refer to the area directly off the arc in the handle of the Big Dipper. Follow the arc to Arcturus, the second brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere, then spike down to Spica, the 16th brightest star in the sky.Star LocatorThe chart below lists bright stars with their R.A. And Dec coordinates, along with the Northern Hemisphere season when these stars are prominent in the night sky. This list aids the observer to find alignment stars at various times of the year. MEADE LIMITED WARRANTYEvery Meade telescope, spotting scope, and telescope accessory is warranted by Meade Instruments Corporation (“Meade”) to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase in the U.S.A. Meade will repair or replace a product, or part thereof, found by Meade to be defective, provided the defective part is returned to Meade, freight-prepaid,with proof of purchase.

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