Crack License Dat Matlab Function카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 11. 03:39
I want to submit serial matlab script on HPC server using: Code: #!/bin/bash #$ -N matlabjob #$ -q all.q #$ -pe mpi 1 /opt/matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r 'run /home/abhishekb/Matlab/new.m;quit' out.txt Error: License checkout failed. License Manager Error -15 MATLAB is unable to connect to the license server. Check that the license manager has been started,and that the MATLAB client machine can communicate with the license server. Troubleshoot this issue by visiting: Diagnostic Information: Feature: MATLAB License path: /home/abhishekb/.matlab/R2013blicenses:/opt/matlab/licenses/license.dat:/opt/matlab/licenses/networ k.lic Licensing error: -15,570. System Error: 115 But this doesn't work as IT guy told me ' as we don't have distributed computing license so parallel jobs of matlab can't run'.
So I tried to run it background as: #!/bin/bash nohup /opt/matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r 'run /home/abhishekb/Matlab/Newedited3.m;quit' output.log savepid.txt But it seems to run unbearably slow. Even reading.csv files takes time. I am comparing to the run on my pc based just on the output intervals. Can someone help me how to submit a serial job which doesn't require 'matlab's distributed computing license'. If this makes sense. I use qsub for submitting jobs. EDIT: mcc -m automate.m Undefined function 'mcc' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Matlab License Function
Tl;dr: Get your 'IT guy' to fix this. I'm going to answer this possibly against my better judgement. You are submitting the job 'serially' because the #$ -pe mpi 1 option specifies you want only 1 node. The reason your Matlab code doesn't run is because of an issue with the configuration of the Matlab license server on your HPC. There is no workaround for this except to fix the configuration. Provide a starting point for you to debug this. However, you most likely won't be able to and will need your 'IT guy' or those who manage your HPC to.
To add to this when you submit your job in the background you also submit it 'serially'. It ran extremely slow on this because it was running on 1 core which was probably also processing requests from other users as this is what's called the head (or login) node. In contrast when you execute this code on your own machine it most likely leverages multiple cores as opposed to the single core available on the head node. Thanks to @ for answering the, which enabled me to reason out an answer with his help. One of the ways to get around this will be to crate an executable by compiling your Matlab code using Example: We need to convert the script to a function, let us assume that new.m does a simple hello world for iter = 1: 10 fprintf('Hello, world%d n', iter); end to a function function hello for iter = 1: 10 fprintf('Hello, world%d n', iter); end and then use mcc to produce executables. Mcc -m new.m This produces files: new, newmain.c, newmcccomponentdata.c, new.prj and the exececutable is new. You can now run new just like any other executable in Linux.
If you are using a scheduler to submit your job, you can put the executable new as the command to be invoked in the submission script.
The location of your license file(s) depends on your license type and operating system. The license location can also be stored in an environment variable. This is common for network licenses. For more information, please see the following support article: Windows: Designated Computer, Concurrent, and Network Named User licenses License files are stored in the 'licenses' folder within the MATLAB installation folder. If MATLAB is installed in the default location, license files are stored here: C: Program Files MATLAB R20XXx licenses (NOTE: Replace 'R20XXx' with release number, e.g.
R2015b.) Windows: Individual licenses License files are stored here:%AppData% MathWorks MATLAB R20XXxlicenses (NOTE: Replace 'R20XXx' with release number, e.g. R2015b.) The%AppData% folder is hidden by default. To get there, open the Start Menu, enter%AppData% in the search box, and press enter. It can also be located at: C: Users%USERNAME% AppData Roaming macOS: Designated Computer, Concurrent, and Network Named User licenses License files are stored inside the MATLAB application package. Right click, CTRL-click, or two-finger click on the MATLAB icon in your Applications folder and select 'Show Package Contents.'
In the folder that opens up, open the 'licenses' folder to see your license files. MacOS: Individual licenses License files are stored in the Application Support directory. Click on the Finder icon in your dock (the blue face) and go to the 'Go' menu in the menu bar.
Open Dat File In Matlab
Select 'Go to Folder ' and enter this: /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/ where $USER is the username you use to login to your computer. In the folder that opens up, your license files are stored in the 'R20XXxlicenses' folder, where R20XXx is the release of MATLAB you are using, e.g. If you are using a MATLAB version older then R2016b, your license files are located in a different directory. Instead, navigate to: /.matlab and then enter the appropriate R20XXxlicenses folder. Linux: Designated Computer, Concurrent, and Network Named User licenses The license files are stored in the MATLAB installation directory: $MATLAB/licenses If MATLAB is installed in the default location, license files are stored here: /usr/local/MATLAB/R20XXx/licenses (NOTE: Replace 'R20XXx' with release number, e.g.
Matlab If Function
R2015b.) Linux: Individual licenses License files are stored in the '.matlab' folder within your home folder: /.matlab In the.matlab folder, license files are stored in separate folders for each release: R20XXxlicenses (NOTE: Replace 'R20XXx' with release number, e.g.